Fall Gardening: Planting Asters, Mums, and Cleaning Up Leaves

Fall Gardening: Planting Asters, Mums, and Cleaning Up Leaves

Fall is finally here, and it’s not just about warm drinks and comfy clothes. It’s also a great time to give your garden a fresh look and do some cleaning. Let’s talk about two very popular fall plants and how to deal with those falling leaves.

Asters: Fall’s Star Flowers

Asters are perfect for fall. They come in colors like purple and pink and look a bit like daisies. Plus, bees and butterflies love them! Here are some tips for Planting Asters on your own.

How to Plant Asters:

  1. Pick a sunny spot that doesn’t hold water.
  2. Give each plant some space.
  3. Water them well at first, then less often.

Mums: Everyone’s Fall Favorite

Mums are the classic fall flower. They have bold colors that really make your garden pop. Here are some tips to planting Mums on your own.

How to Plant Mums:

  1. Find a sunny spot.
  2. Make sure the ground drains water well.
  3. Remove old flowers to get new ones.

Dealing with Falling Leaves

Leaves everywhere? Here’s what to do:

  1. Rake Often: Don’t let leaves pile up too much.
  2. Use Them as Mulch: Run over leaves with a mower and let them feed your lawn.
  3. Make Compost: Pile up leaves and let them turn into garden food over time.

When in doubt, or if you just don’t have the time, give us a call at Huser’s Lawn + Landscaping for all of your fall clean-up and planting needs.

Christopher Huser
Landscape Contractor & Designer

Indianapolis, IN 46220

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